Tuesday, March 2, 2010

finding my way back.

here i go again, this has nothing to do with art, fashion, design or food,
but it does have to do with love. and you know i love love.

it's been an unbelievably, heart wrenching past few days. i wasn't expecting to feel such pain and physically feel sick to my stomach. i'm not going to mention any names as i don't want to draw any attention to my blog from outsiders, but i will just say, in a nutshell, that this case hits way too close to home. this missing girl lives just ten minutes from my home. she is in the same school district as my kids. you can not go anywhere without seeing her beautiful face. i mean any where. the grocery store, all shop windows, local starbucks, target, gas stations, etc. all school classrooms have the flyer posted, there are even blue ribbons tied around all the street light poles {if you're under 18, you can not assist in the search, so teens pass out flyers and tie ribbons for her}. my husband has searched for two days. i searched on friday, but that was when i was looking for a girl who might have broken an ankle, i can no longer bare to search. volunteers are looking for a 15 year old that disappeared a year ago. she, too, lived close. i do not know these girls. but, i've spent many hours thinking and praying for them.
i am heartbroken and i need happy. my community needs happy.

i know that the healthiest thing to do is to focus on the positive. the love. small thoughts grow into large thoughts, so it's only fitting that those small thoughts be of love and happiness. having said that, i am so grateful for my family, my friends {most of which are here on the internet, you all just totally rock btw!} and my little businesses that i love so much! for me, my blog is a creative outlet and for several days, i haven't felt quite right about being happy, but i am taking a step forward today to get back to what i love.

i have lots of creative ideas to put in place and many lovely orders to fill.
i'll listen to some music, enjoy a chai tea and wear a smile.

all the while, finding my way back to me.