Friday, March 26, 2010

guns and roses.

oh, friday already.
it was a very busy. very beautiful week.
sort of stayed away from the computer, missed my friends,
but needed to focus on creativity.

this week i immersed myself in flowers.
i thought about blooms. i dreamt about them,
took photos of them, picked them and looked for them.
i just couldn't get enough.
the funny thing is,
'guns and roses' keeps popping in to my head,
and while i'm so not into guns,
although i do like a particular guns and roses song, sweet child o' mine,
i love love mixing styles.
so while, one side of my brain couldn't stop thinking about flowers,
gorgeous, pink-hued flowers,
the other side, couldn't stop thinking about bullets.
shiny, metal bullets.
weird, i know.
i went on a somewhat large shopping spree for materials
and my next post will be the result,
a combination of said,
guns and roses...
curious? stay tuned.

also this week, i got my new moo cards.

i made some pretty jewelry.

found these pretty photos {via
he's 14 with a cool artistic eye.
and, while, these photos aren't for sale,
i think they should be.

i bought something gorgeous
from my friend wende at mireio.
she has exquisite taste.

and i fell in love again,
this time with this photo
from my friend lucy snowe.

so, i leave you this friday
with a simple wish
may you have a stellar weekend
filled with all things spring.